Hospital Langenthal

Hospital Langenthal, storey addition and extension


The demands on modern hospital buildings are increasing. On the one hand, they should ensure an efficient process in the wing, on the other hand, more emphasis is placed on comfort and well-being, so that patients feel comfortable there and can enjoy as pleasant a stay as possible. This leads increasingly to hotel-like building complexes with state-of-the-art infrastructure.


With regard to fire protection and escape route security, such buildings must fulfil the highest requirements, because patients are often not mobile and accordingly more time is needed for evacuation.


In the Langenthal hospital, a wide range of forster fuego light fire protection elements was used. For example, during the hospital's extension and expansion, large and light-flooded fire-resistant glazing in forster fuego light was installed; in the area of the atrium over several floors also butt joint glazing EI60 with glued, coloured foils, which create a cheerful and light-floated atmosphere and at the same time offer high protection.


To achieve the widest passageways, e.g. for bed transports, large swinging doors with magnetic positioning were installed, which due to their proverbial stability endure greater mechanical stress – namely jostling with the hospital beds – and remain fully functional. The flush-to-floor, sheet-metal clad fire doors enable niche-like installation for lounges and meeting rooms. Automatic sliding doors with integrated escape route function use the given area optimally, because two functions are installed in one element to save space.

Langenthal, Switzerland

Lüscher Egli AG, Langentahl

Fabricator: Born Fritz AG, Langenthal

System: forster fuego light