curtain wall with attachement profiles
FLEXIBLE, FAST & ECONOMICAL. Curtain wall forster thermfix light makes it possible to mount a sealing system on commercially-available steel and aluminium profiles as well as on wooden sub-structures. The system offers great configuration flexibility to both planner and architect because of the unlimited choice in the sub-structures.
Possible variants are vertical curtain walls, sloped glazing and sloped glazing withfire protection. Combine the thermally insulated doors and windows from the systemforster unico and unico XS with it.
Technical details | |
Material options | sub-structures in steel, aluminium, wood forster attachement profiles in steel or aluminium pressure profiles in aluminium cover profiles in aluminium or stainless steel |
Performance specifications* | Uf from 1.0–2.2 W/(m²⋅K) sloped glazing Uf from 1.1–2.2 W/(m²⋅K) curtain wall air permeability according 1200 Pa sloped glazing, AE 750 curtain wall rain impermeabiity 1200 Pa sloped glazing, R7 600 Pa, dynamic Pmax 1125 Pa curtain wall resistance to wind load 2400 Pa, safety load 3600 Pa sloped glazing, 3000 Pa curtain wall impact resistance according to EN 14019: I 5 (internal), E 5 (external) |
System properties | slope 0–75° (inside), 10–75° (outside) slender visible sections: rafter and transom 50 mm individual profile and surface design |
Variants | curtain wall sloped-glazing fire-resistant sloped glazing EI30 |
*refer to country-specific approvals

Church Saint Honoré d'Eylau
Thermally insulated glazing and fire protection, smoke protection doors E30
Paris, Frankreich
forster thermfix light

Old Tramremise De Hallen
Thermally insulated roof glazing
Amsterdam, Niederlande
forster thermfix light

Technikum für Kraftfahrzeugtechnik HTW
Thermally insulated curtain wall, windows and entrance doors.
Dresden, Deutschland
forster thermfix light
forster unico

LMB Technik + Bildung (technique + education)
Thermally insulated curtain wall
Weinfelden, Schweiz
forster thermfix light

Sports Park Bergholz
Thermally insulated transom-mullion facades and entrance doors. Fire-resistant doors and screens EI30 on the inside of the building.
Wil, Schweiz
forster unico
forster thermfix light
forster fuego light

Hotel Le Prese
Facade and lift-up sliding doors with thermal break. Flush mounted sheet metal doors, partially with glass cutout.
Poschiavo, Schweiz
forster unico
forster thermfix light
LEAFLETS | curtain walls with thermal break |
PROCESSING | ring binder processing curtain walls forster thermfix light |
system overview forster thermfix light | |
general processing advice | |
PLANNING | planning catalogue curtain walls forster thermfix light |
DWG | |
EUROPEAN PRODUCT DECLARATION (EPD) | curtain wall in steel / stainless steel |